Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bible and world timeline

So we were watching tv last night and it was a show on 10,000 BC, the paleolithic era- ice age/stone age.  Something that has always made me wonder is what is happening in the Bible during these different eras, where were the dinosaurs? Did Moses live through the ice age? I don't know if it's the way me brain works or what, but I just cannot comprehend the timelines. I found a website this morning but I don't know if it's right, I don't really understand it. http://wyler.net/timeline.html  This is what it says:

10,000- people were hunters/gatherers/

appx 10,000 - 4000 BC neolithic era/ late stone age

4,000 BC  Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden of eden.

So were Adam and Eve alive in 10,000 BC, were the alive all that time before Eve ate the forbidden fruit?

3,800 BC- Noah and the Ark, the flood

appx 1450-1208 BC- Moses and the exodus from Egypt

429-322 BC - Socrates, Aristotle, Plato

73 BC- Julius Ceasar, Mark Anthony, Cleopatra

25 BC- Augustus Ceasar (Octavius)

0 BC/AD - Birth of Christ

There's alot more to this timeline that I left out, check out the website if you want to see more. It'sry  very interesting to see what was happening around the world. I don't how creidble the website is but it's something.

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