Monday, January 17, 2011

Do People Believe in Hell?

I believe in Hell, this will be yet another blog about everybody else, of course this is a blog that I am writing so you will get to hear what I think, as well as what I get straight from my Bible, and what my friends, families and co-workers!

I believe if you truly repent then someone as perfect as Jesus will accept. He's not tied by the errors of humanity.
                I think that in some way or another everyone will either have the chance to hear about Jesus and accept him, or Jesus will look at his heart. Its scary, I want to believe there's not a hell, but i cant pick and choose what i believe out of the Bible, so I'm kinda obligated to believe in hell. I just hope everybody gets a fair chance.

So when i put this question on facebook these are the responses I got:
 Ya its in the Bible there's most definitely a Hell. I actually read a book once I believe called Divine Visions of Hell where God actually had someone experience it to warn ppl about the terrors of Hell. Some of the things he said was your ...always burning. Your skin and such will burn off and you feel every last bit of it and then it would all come back just to burn off again. And demons would terrorize you continuously. 
I do believe in hell. Jesus talked about hell and I think He described it pretty well and I know I don't want to go there. Sinners are going to hell...but for the grace of God, that would be me. But He sent His Son to make a way for me to have eternal life with Him even though I sin. 
personally i view hell as a place tats goin to b diff for everyone. i think we'll all go to same place but every individual will experience somethin diff. everyone might not necessary burn iternity by fire like its widely believed but burn by fear r a burning agony of somethin they consider to b the worst thing to happen to them. for example if lets call it a 'livin hell' to someone would b fear of drowning they might feel a iternity of drownin same if someone worst fear was bein buried alive they might go through an iternity of bein buried alive. hell to me is a place of ur worst fear so as another example if i went i might go through iternity of drowning.
I don't think that death is a finish line after which God closes the door on us forever. If there is a hell, I believe that the door OUT of hell is always open ~ and outside that door God waits with love and open arms for ALL of us ALL the time FOREVER :)
I as a person - do not believe in hell. The idea of hell is the most wicked people go there and non-believers. While - I agree wicked people should have a punishment - eternal damnation is too much and doesn't fit in with concept of a loving and caring super deity. People are products of their environment and their genes. However, I believe in the good of people and given the right tools people can be moral. Maybe not given in the constraints of our society and laws but moral nonetheless.
The way I look at it. I don't deserve heaven, and neither does any sinner, but the fact that God would even consider giving sinners a way into heaven is something that all of mankind should be grateful for. Its like giving a friend a ticket, and that friend throws the ticket away and still wants to get in. Its unfortunate that good people go to hell, but in the grand scheme of things... every good person I know is still a sinner.
So as you can see, most people think there is a hell, the beliefs they have about differ somewhat though. I cannot be the one to magically change your mind or open your eyes to the truth, you have to find that through God. We can ultimately read the Bible to find the predictions Jesus made about hell. 
I'm actually supposed to be speaking to the youth of my church sometime this month and this was my topic I chose; Sheep and Goats. We talk about unbelievers going to hell, what the Bible says hell will be like and how can we be saved from hell?

People argue saying "if God is so loving why would he send people to hell?" The answer: BECAUSE WE DESERVE IT. We have free will and we choose over and over again to sin and do wrong in the eyes of the God. God has the power to change our minds, to take away our free will. But he lets us choose. He is the master, the creator, not the puppeteer. Though he can and will use those of us who let him, he will use us for his will. He will use us to save his people, to love the unlovable. 

So what does the Bible say?

If you read in Matthew 25 ( verses 31-46) He explains how, on judgment day, we will be separated like sheep and goats. (The sheep are believers, the goats non-believers or those with superficial faith). The sheep will go to the right *to eternal life* and the goats will go to the left *eternal fire*. In verse 46 Jesus clarifies that hell was not meant for us but for Satan and his fallen angels. 

So is there really a hell?

According to the Bible, and Jesus,  yes, there is. It specifies it more as being condemned, or eternal damnation, a second death, eternal punishment.  2 Peter 2:4 For God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons. In Revelation 21, hell is described as being a fiery lake of burning sulfur, the second death.

Will Jesus accept someone if they repent on judgment day? 

I don't know. I haven't found anything to support or dismiss this question. I think Jesus knows the heart and he will look at our hearts, but when we have such a close and personal relationship with him he knows us better. I don't want to risk spending eternity in hell with gnashing of teeth, I want to do what I can today and tomorrow letting Jesus know that I'm his, he's my savior, I know I'm not worthy of heaven. My advice, find him today, live for him today! Don't be the test-dummy! 


Hell is the absence of God. God is good. If there is no good, there's no God. Hell is a place without any good. 

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